Friday, July 9, 2010

The day AFTER the day AFTER the Great Day - which makes it an EXCELLENT DAY

Wasn't sure I'd have anything to post today - I didn't work.  I didn't go into the office either.  Fridays are like that for me often - well I don't go into the office at all on Fridays - which I LOVE because I can sleep until 7 a.m.; take a walk; work a little; take a shower; run an errand; work a little  - you get the routine.  And I LOVE my freedom on Fridays!  But this particular Friday - it was my son's 18th birthday so the routine was a little different and then we had to get to a softball tournament for one of my daughters.  It was odd - I didn't get a single work-related email all day.  Not sure if that's because of the conversation I had with everyone about the cc'ing me on every communication or if perhaps everyone was more at ease and didn't feel they needed to check in with me every 10 minutes on something.  Regardless - it was a lovely reprieve!

Anyway - back to the story - so for the reasons stated above, I didn't think I'd have anything to report.  But then - as I sat at the softball game at 4:30 - I received a text from the boss.  And here's what it said:

Just finished book.  I'm on board with it.  I'll have to dissolve 28 years of ingrained ideas about work, but open since I have a modified approach in running two separate businesses.  I think the time is now under 3.0 to make this happen with a new work environment and technology to allow freedome to work wherever whenever.  I like it!

I damned near fell out of my stadium seat.  And the only brilliant response I could muster at that moment was:  Holy Crap!

I know we still have a ways to go, but just getting the gate open is, in and of itself, a major accomplishment!  We texted back and forth some more and he was totally jazzed about how much fun this will be to on the bleeding edge of "work" and "technology".  I really think it will be a blast, too!  And then I started thinking about how, in 2-3 years from now, our little company, after 13 years of struggling, could be in some business magazine - you know - headliner news - about how we implemented this amazing culture AND grew profits 20x over and how we could be THE company to work for!  And I believe it.   I've always believed in this company - since the day I started.  And I've been here through thick and thin - mostly thin - but I always knew it could be something and I always stuck it out because I knew that if I left, and when it became something - I would be very sorry for leaving and not having been a part of that "something".  So the time is now.  The time is right.  And by GOD we are going to be the company I have always known we could be!!! 

And then, after the game and as we drove back home, my mind started wandering - to new places - places it hasn't been in a very long time - places like:

I can wear those kick-ass tights that look like tattoos all over - and I won't give a crap what anyone thinks.

I can get me some groovy boots and cool clothes and be that creative soul I've always dreamed of being.

I can take daytime exercise classes - like Zumba - and get back that 20 year old body I once had.

I can go eat lunch with my youngest.

I can be home when she gets on the bus and home when she gets off the bus.

I can make certain my family is eating healthy every single day - not just a few times a week.

I can go watch my son play his first college baseball game.

I can be here for my 15 year old daughter as she travels through the next few years of her life.

I can go for those walks with my cousin at lunch that we enjoy so much.

I can get the invoicing done for my husband's business and help him build that to an even higher level if that's his dream.

And not to be forgotten - I CAN MANAGE SOME SUPER AMAZING RESULTS AT MY COMPANY - We will be the leading provider and my department's service will be something that other companies envy.

I can do ALL those things - and do you know why?  Because I will no longer be CHAINED to that damned desk for 9-10 hours a day during a designated time.  I may end up putting in 15 hours a day - but I don't really care - because it will be on MY terms and in MY control.  FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!! 

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