Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today is THE Day

ROWE Implementation Workshop!!  And yes.  I'm awake at some ungodly hour of the morning.  Plagued with inherited insomnia that has decided to kick in high gear - right now.  I'll make it through.  As I drifted off to sleep last night, I thought of the perfect Facebook status for today.  And I considered getting up and writing it down - but decided it was so awesome that I would remember it.  I did not.  At 3:30 I woke up - wondering what that awesome thought was - and ever since I've been racking my brain. 

Because my Facebook status is just that important.

Read a few emails from work that came in late last night - one of which mentioned that some people couldn't go ROWE until we had an alternative phone system.  I'm sick of hearing that.  I'm sick of hearing that so long as people must use the office as their tool to doing their work they cannot go ROWE.  So I just shot off an email at 4:00 a.m. that reminded them ROWE has NOTHING to do with REMOTE  - it has everything to do with RESULTS and the ROWE would go into effect immediately.  Today is going to be very interesting for some.  And for me - to witness.  And I know that I will also learn so many new things - I'm certainly NOT the ROWE expert - but I do believe I have a far better grasp on the concept than some. 

Who think this is a perpetual paid vacation.  I wonder how long those people will survive in this environment.  I'm happy to have some backup today with the consultants coming in.  I wonder if they will punch people in the face?  I doubt it.  They only have to deal with people who don't get it in short spurts.  I look to be inspired by them.  Rejuvinated.  The spirit I had when I first read the book rekindled.  Strength and courage to continue this path of pioneerism.  That's what I hope to get out of today. 

I know I won't be disappointed!  I'm ready! 

Monday, August 30, 2010

1 Day to ROWE Implementation Workshop

It's the day before our ROWE Implementation Workshop. I should be excited.  I should be on cloud nine.  Or ten.  Or even higher.  I should have a huge smile on my face and greet everyone with enthusiasm. 

But I am not and I do not.

I am in a foul mood.  Irritated with everyone and everything.  Anxiety?  General fatigue from the weekend?  General fed-upness with people that refuse to think outside of the box and instead of focusing energy on how they will make this ROWE work, they want to spend energy on coming with a million reasons why it won't?  I think that is likely the best explanation for my overall foul mood today.

There is still not an answer on the alternative phone system.  So really, what that means is that come Wednesday, there will still be a handful of people who will find themselves tethered to this office doing their work.  And yet, it was in their control to find an alternative solution.  I doubt they'll "get" that either.  I'm certain that will just add fuel to their already burning heavily fire of negativity.  I find their negative energy exhausting and draining.  And worthless.  Not to mention childish.  I also find that I'd like to punch them right in the face.

I'm hoping that in our workshop tomorrow, the consultants pick up on this and really push those people to their absolute limit on changing their mindset.  Here's hoping for a good night's sleep AND a wonderful day tomorrow.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

12 Days Left to ROWE Implementation Workshop!!

So I missed a few days in there - sorry about that.  It's been an absolute flurry of activity since my last post.  Moving.  New phone system.  New processes.  Setting goals.  Every single minute of my life seems to be consumed with work and seeking results.  It's funny what you can actually accomplish when you stop filling up time and just getting busy on what matters.  The husband says he hates ROWE because all I do is work - HA!  I'll figure out how to balance it shortly.  But right now, there is so much to do and to get done and I want to set a good example (and also I might be slightly OCD) so yes.  Right now all I do is work.  But I feel so productive.  And my husband says that he hasn't seen me this excited about my job in a very long time.  And I feel happy. 

But I'll admit - I've also been VERY frustrated.  Frustrated with staff.  Who seem to think that ROWE is about how to be on a perpetual vacation.  And  I'll further admit that I've snapped a few times.  Someone was complaining about being "tethered" to a phone.  Uhhhh - we are in a service industry - specifically - the CUSTOMER service department - so if being tethered to a phone is a problem for you - perhaps this is not the job for you?  Like I said - I snapped a few times.  It happens I guess.  My frustration lies with those who have NOT taken the time to read the book cover to cover (likely about 85% - 90% of the staff) - and are complaining and pushing back and digging their heels in.  It's the exact opposite of what I expected.  I expected the camp of naysayers to be much smaller - instead it's much larger.  I suspect that is because the "leaders" of that pack are quite vocal and dominant.  I've suggested to their followers that this culture may not work for everyone and some may not survive.  I'm not kidding when I say it.

There has been the bitching about equipment at their homes - and suggestions that we pay everyone's cell phone bills.  To which I've politely responded that we provide all the tools they need to meet their results at our office - if they CHOOSE not to work toward their results at the tool we provide - then that is their CHOICE and they will be responsible for the expense related to setting up their own environment elsewhere.  We aren't mandating they work remote.  We aren't mandating they use their personal cell phones to meet results.  We aren't mandating they use their home computers to meet results.  We are simply mandating they MEET RESULTS. 

Then there was the bitching about the phones - yes - again.  Always about the phones.  When should they remove themselves from the queue?  They wanted me to write an SOP around that - I refused to do so and instead suggested they use good, adult, professional judgment to determine when they should remove themselves from the phone queue.  I provided a nice personal example:  I'm RIDING in the car for 7 hours - with just my husband - I can likely stay in the queue.  I'm attending a music program for my 8 year old - I likely cannot be in the queue.  Use your best judgment and ask yourself, "Will I be able to FOCUS on the customer without distractions and provide excellent customer service?"  If the answer is uncertain or no - then take yourself out of the queue. 

I finally got so tired of the conversation that I told them that this would need to be something we all hash out during the ROWE Implementation Workshop - that I was done discussing it - they need to READ the book - and then we can hash it out with the experts on site. 

I'm frustrated that they cannot see  that what they sacrifice is so miniscule in relation to what they gain.  "How can I ever do what I want when I want if I'm always tethered to the phone and our customers work standard hours?"  I guess they're all forgetting the number of hours they spend socializing and facebooking throughout a normal business day and aren't realizing that they could run an errand during that time - without sludge.  Or actually collaborate with one another on phone coverage and take days "off" and away from the phone.  And it seems no matter how often or in what manner I explain it - they don't get it.  Either I'm a horrible explainer - or they are just in a stage of not being willing to meet results and be accountable to those results.  I think that's what it is more than anything, honestly.

And that's been a HUGE eye opener for ME as their boss.  I've evidently let them get away with so much presenteeism that the thought of having to meet results scares them to death - they don't know how to do it. But they do.  They just don't have faith in themselves yet. 

I tested them on a project recently.  They spent more than 2 weeks finding excuses to NOT meet the results.  I held my ground.  About week 3 they figured out their complaints and whining were not getting them anywhere and at my suggestion they started collaborating on the effort.  They got it done - sort of.  Not all of them did exactly what they were assigned to do or completed all the steps of the project - but for a trial run of "what happens when you force results" - I thought they did well.  Although I know it was terribly painful for a few of them.  Hopefully the next time it goes a little easier for them.

A few people are very distraught over "losing" their vacation time they have "earned" - as a matter of fact, one person is going ahead and taking some "deserved" vacation time next week so they don't "lose" it.  That is frustrating to hear and watch. I hope in time they realize what a great gift they have been given - their time!

Now.  There ARE some folks who have totally embraced this - and their enthusiasm is overwhelming!  They are thinking outside of the box, preparing home offices, asking about goals, ready to ROWE.  Some have already started the transition with our permission.  I love it - they have personal commitments, and rather than asking for time off - they just ask if they can go ahead and ROWE now.  YES!!!  You can!  We had one person apologize for ill behavior after he had read the book - said it was a total eye opener for him and how he had come to behave over the years.  Said he felt like he needed a shower after finishing the book and pledged to commit 100% to this new culture.  THOSE are the cases that warm my heart and excite me - the ones I KNOW will make this a success! 

And we are throwing a ton of change at them at once - no doubt.  Some are asking if we can slow down and do one thing at a time and then have a soak period, then move on to the next.  No.  We are going to do a total shift - all at once - so it's truely taxing on some.  They'll live.  I'm certain they've encountered more difficult things in their personal life and survived.  In real life you don't get the chance, nor does it ever cross your mind, to request that things just "stop" so you can soak it all in.  It's not how life works and it's not how work works - this isn't relaxation  - it's WORK.  And now that some have come to the realization that 8-5 is no longer a block of time you fill with shopping the internet or facebooking and that we have results to achieve and tons of new projects going on - it's just HARD on them. 

But I can't help but think that at the end of the day they feel more successful.  More productive.  More engaged.  And I can't help but think that makes them happier. 

I know it has me!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And the count down to ROWE Implementation Workshop Begins - 27

Today was the first day back to work after the "big announcement".  I didn't get to interact much with anyone other than the management team as my day was consumed with meetings, Web demos and enrolling my kids in school. 

But I was able to reflect some and it occurred to me that the feedback I was getting yesterday, while terribly positive, seemed to mainly focused on and centered around working REMOTE.  Not much chatter about getting RESULTS.  I suppose this is a natural thing.  They haven't read the book yet.  And what they just heard is "you're FREE!"  And I also suppose that having been chained to a desk all their working lives, they cannot imagine freedom can also be achieved from within the company provided work space - it likely seems foreign to them to consider doing work there, and just leaving whenever they feel like it to do whatever they feel like doing.  It likely seems more comfortable to envision ROWE is achievable from the privacy of your own home - where no one can see you not-working during what we've come to believe are core working hours. 

But it also tells me that we will have to immediately get busy on setting goals and results with these folk so it becomes clear that this doesn't mean everyone works 6 hours a week and gets paid the same salary as when they were present 40 hours a week.  We still have WORK and we still have RESULTS that must be met.  But I didn't want to kill their enthusiasm by pointing that out just yet.  And as they read the book, things will become more obvious and clear to them.  I think that the energy they exuded yesterday will propel them into wanting that freedom so badly, that being agreeable to achieving results will come naturally.  I hope I'm right anyway!

Full speed ahead on the move - strange thing - I'm actually looking forward to being in the office a bit more tomorrow so I can interact with everyone and engage in conversations with them about ROWE and about the move.  The next two weeks will be hit and miss for my availability to be on-site due to a million personal commitments on top of staying on task and meeting our goals at work.  I feel almost slighted to have to be out as much as I'm going to need to be during this time.  But I can and will make it work. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A New Life Begins!

Today was the ROWE announcement.  Not that it matter any in terms of how it was received, or the message delivered, but because it's part of who I am - I changed clothes no less than 10 times before work today.  And the best I could come up with was odd.  So that's how I dressed.  Odd.  On to more important things...

I was nervous, shaking, ready to get a move on with the whole thing.  Moving the precious books to the conference room, getting the all-but-horribly-wrong framed picture down there also.  Claiming my spot.  My colleague set up a camcorder.  We really wanted to record this so we could watch it back later and see the look on everyone's faces.  (or is it everyones'?)  I will try my best to recount it here although I'm certain I don't remember, nor did I actually comprehend a large portion of it due to my excitement.  The video will tell it all!

We went through the normal routine - reviewing the monthly financials, running through the sales pipeline.  And then the intro into Company X 3.0  - reiterating what we had stated last month.  And the next thing I knew, the boss was passing the baton to me.  His preview yesterday led me to believe his prelude would be about 20 minutes long.  But it wasn't  - it was only about 2 minutes long and then I heard him say he wouldn't mention the name, the culture or anything else - and that he was passing the baton to ME.  So, I quickly glanced at the notes I had made last night and just started in - with a series of questions:

Who feels flex schedules are conditional?

Who is tired of endless meetings that are not well defined nor do you understnad why you are there?

Who feels stressed from trying to juggle home/work schedules & demands?

Who is tired of spending their weekends running errands?

Who is tired of asking permission to take time off & who feel like a child when they do this?

With each question I posed, the number of hands that rose grew and I could sense people were letting their guard down and answering honestly. 

And while I do not remember (although, again, the video will tell), my notes indicate that I next asked them to imagine an environment where these things are no longer an issue - where they have the freedome to work any way they want.  They no longer will feel guilty, stressed, overworked - they OWN THEIR time - the company does NOT.  I think I got a "woo hoo" from the crowd.  But maybe that was at a different time in the meeting...

And what IF at the same time:

There is an increase in productivity
We create talent retention & attraction
Optimize our space
Eliminate wasteful processes
Staff is autonomous & accountable

What IF you were treated like a trusted professional and ADULT?

I have no clue what happened at that point.  None.  I know at some point I explained this is an adaptive change and defined/described that term.  I talked about how I heard about this and the strange series of serendipitous events that led up to this point.  I thanked my boss.  I thanked my colleague.  For their open-minds.  I named companies that were under ROWE, provided the website, Facebook address and twitter and handed out the books.  I recall one person thanked me on the spot for the book. 

Then there was a long discussion - which, again - I need to watch back on the video - but people were FOR IT.  On board.  GETTING IT.  And yet, I also recall I continued to "sell it" to them.  I guess I was just so excited that I wanted to make 100% certain everyone heard, understood and embraced, despite the fact they know very little at this point.  I loved how well it was received.

And then there was more discussion and everyone had a bunch of questions and and we answered what we could.  And encouraged them to write their questions down so we could get them answers.  The rest of that conversation is a total blur.

And then we went to the new office space - and they loved it - and had a million questions.  But were still positive and enthusiastic and energetic.  And I was on cloud 9.  And this part is also on video.  (please tell me the video worked?)  And one of my direct reports pulled me to the side and said, "If I thought it was even ONE bit appropriate - I would hug you RIGHT now."  And I was delighted.  He again came and thanked me personally later in the day.

And then I left and returned the picture to Claudio the framer and explained it was NOT right and he thanked ME for telling me and agreed to fix it within the hour!!!  And I was glad I handled it this way. I thank our customers when we are given the opportunity to right the wrong - why on earth would I have assumed others would not want the same opportunity?  Shame on me. 

And then for my staff meeting this afternoon, I decided we would go to a local sports bar.  Well live and learn. NOT a good choice considering we were trying to remote in two other staff members.  We tried it.  It doesn't work.  Lesson learned.  It was loud, we couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear us.  I won't make that mistake again.  BUT - I did ask everyone to state their initial "gut" reaction and here are the responses:

  1. I feel as though I've made a career change without changing jobs.
  2. This opens up so many possibilities for me at home in terms of how to juggle responsibilities.
  3. This embraces technology which is good because we are a technology company and we've never "worked" that way.
  4. This will definitely help the finances of the company and I can see how it impacts that.
  5. This give me a whole new outlook
  7. Communication will need to improve - but THAT is a positive thing
  8. Remote workers will no longer harbor guilt because they are "free" and the others are not
  9. Work can be better scheduled - focus on meeting goals will actually be easier
  10. Many will still use the office
  11. This change energizes the company
  12. There will be some kinks to work out
  13. Remote employees felt the energy through the phone during the morning meeting and they felt a part of it!
  14. I feel back in control
  15. I am able to make adult decisions about what needs to be done when and how
When I use the word "I" above - it's not "me" - it was THEIR comments.  And they haven't even read the book!!!

I'm not naive - as they read the book - they will start to realize it's not ALL a bed of roses - but for them to ALL go into the book with this attitude is so pleasing to me!!!  Oh - the next few weeks will crazy - but I'm so very much looking forward to it!!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

One Day - Well actually now just shy of 13 hours....

I'm a nervous wreck.  The anxiety has set in full force at this point.  Will everyone be thrilled?  Will there be naysayers?  How will the naysayers affect my excitement?  Will I be tolerant and let them process through it?  Or will I just absolutely snap?  I'm praying for courage, patience, tolerance - strength to see this dream through to the implementation.

Yesterday and most of today I was paralyzed.  At a total loss as to "how" this would be announced.  What would be said?  How could I be convincing?  Enthusiastic?  Finally, tonight, I sat down by the pool with a very-intentionally-watered-down margarita and just wrote.  Pen to paper.  Thoughts.  And somehow, at the end of 20 minutes, I had drafted something that I believe is heart-felt - that everyone will be able to relate to.  I've read it no less than 6 times in 4 hours.  And each time I feel good about it.  I'm going with my gut.

Which is a nice segue into another story.  Today, I went to pick up the customized framing of the CEO's published article.  It was NOT what I wanted at all.  It was about 90% what I wanted.  Okay - well maybe 98% of what I wanted.  When I dropped it off back on JULY 19th (because it evidently takes THAT long to frame something), I had this feeling that the guy did not "get" what I was saying.  He was not the best speaker of the English language and I feared we might not be communicating that day.  So I went over it with him numerous times.  He drew some arrows and assured me he would remember what they meant.  Well, evidently he did NOT remember.  Because the damned thing does NOT have the NAME OF THE PUBLICATION.  I thanked him and left and then I was irate.  At myself.  For not telling him it was NOT what I wanted.  And as I drove home, I was disappointed - now the whole thing is ruined and I'm not excited about that part of tomorrow any longer because I will look like an idiot because EVERYONE will wonder "why didn't she get the name of the publication in the collage?"  Because everyone knows THAT is the proper way to do it.  But evidently, after taking my order Claudio (that is his name), went on vacation.  And he JUST returned and when I phoned at 12:30 today he hadn't even started on it.  And I asked if I needed to come by and go over it with him again and he said that wasn't necessary and he'd have it to me by 4:30.  So I was angry at his shoddy work.  When I got home, I retrieved all the left-overs from the bag, HOPING that one of the two copies of the publication still had a salvagable title page so I could call the framing place and insist they fix it tonight. I  didn't really care that Claudio was supposed to get off work at 5:30 - he could stay there all night as far as I was concerned -but this WOULD be fixed by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. 

Sadly, BOTH copies of the publication had been mutilated - the title caption area unusable.  THAT is what happened - he freakin' ruined them on accident and then tried to play it off.  I'm furious.  But honestly - my anxiety runs high right now and it is what it is and it cannot be resolved before tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.  I just will make a mental note to phone the manager and express my dissatisfaction with Claudio and explain what happened and then tell ALL my friends to NOT get their custom framing done at that place.  UNLESS they make it right by getting another copy and re-doing the whole thing at no charge. THEN I will tell everyone how amazing their service is.  My gut told me that day I dropped it off that this would not end well.  Should have made an excuse to get out of dodge back then and go elsewhere.  And if this is the worst thing that happens tomorrow then I'm cool with that. 

Back to ROWE.  The frequency of time-off requests is staring me straight in the face lately.  Screaming at me actually.  Today - I had one person who wanted/needed to work from home.  2 people that put vacation requests on my desk.  1 person ask if they could attend a personal meeting for about an hour.  One person request to change their flex schedule.  1 person ask for intermittent time off to juggle personal commitments and 1 person needing to leave ASAP due to family medical emergency.  I have no clue how many similar requests/issues my colleague encountered today.  Bless these peoples' hearts - they are BEGGING - CRYING - PLEADING for control of their time.  I really, sincerely, honestly, hope tomorrow brings hope and joy to their hearts.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Two Days

It's seriously all I can think about and talk about.  Tuesday.  The day we get to rock everyone's world with the big announcement.  My friends are certainly sick of hearing about it - and likely why they are steering clear of me.  Although they are not nearly as excited as I am.  They don't "get" it.  They are intrigued by it and it sounds neat to them, but they're pretty sure it will be a short-lived effort that will quickly go bad and be reversed.  That once the newness wears off and the excitement wanes, we will just return to our old culture and life will go back to normal.  While their negativity is a downer, it also is an encourager to me.  I will prove them wrong by doing everything I can to make certain this does not go poorly.  They'll see.  And they'll be sorry they doubted me. 

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about how my direct staff and I will determine the desired results for our department.  They don't and cannot typically work on deadlines.  So much of their work load is determined by customer demand and on customers' time schedule.  We cannot define it by number of calls taken, responded to, etc. because we really have no idea how many calls will come in.  It has to be a goal that is more esoterical in nature I think.  I have to really give this some heavy thought and start formulating my ideas and putting them on paper.  I'm also thinking that different people will have different desired results because their roles are slightly different.  And to be honest, I'm getting a little nervous about my ability to manage in this manner.  I know I can do it.  I'm capable of doing it.  It's just not how I've been doing it for a very long time, so I have to give it some serious thought and consideration.  It's also possible that in some ways I have been doing it, but I've never actually thought about it and written it down. 

Friday I went and picked out the fabrics for the new office space.  That's fun!  Picking out fabrics.  I'm spacially retarded so I really do not "get" how this space is going to look when completed, but I trust the designer helping me so I'm pretty must just giving her ideas my blessing and moving forward with whatever she suggests. 

I must make a point to start taking notes throughout the day about things to enter in this blog - I find that by the time I get home and sit down to update our journey, I've forgotten many of the details.  And it is the details that I want journal.  Counting down.....