So I missed a few days in there - sorry about that. It's been an absolute flurry of activity since my last post. Moving. New phone system. New processes. Setting goals. Every single minute of my life seems to be consumed with work and seeking results. It's funny what you can actually accomplish when you stop filling up time and just getting busy on what matters. The husband says he hates ROWE because all I do is work - HA! I'll figure out how to balance it shortly. But right now, there is so much to do and to get done and I want to set a good example (and also I might be slightly OCD) so yes. Right now all I do is work. But I feel so productive. And my husband says that he hasn't seen me this excited about my job in a very long time. And I feel happy.
But I'll admit - I've also been VERY frustrated. Frustrated with staff. Who seem to think that ROWE is about how to be on a perpetual vacation. And I'll further admit that I've snapped a few times. Someone was complaining about being "tethered" to a phone. Uhhhh - we are in a service industry - specifically - the CUSTOMER service department - so if being tethered to a phone is a problem for you - perhaps this is not the job for you? Like I said - I snapped a few times. It happens I guess. My frustration lies with those who have NOT taken the time to read the book cover to cover (likely about 85% - 90% of the staff) - and are complaining and pushing back and digging their heels in. It's the exact opposite of what I expected. I expected the camp of naysayers to be much smaller - instead it's much larger. I suspect that is because the "leaders" of that pack are quite vocal and dominant. I've suggested to their followers that this culture may not work for everyone and some may not survive. I'm not kidding when I say it.
There has been the bitching about equipment at their homes - and suggestions that we pay everyone's cell phone bills. To which I've politely responded that we provide all the tools they need to meet their results at our office - if they CHOOSE not to work toward their results at the tool we provide - then that is their CHOICE and they will be responsible for the expense related to setting up their own environment elsewhere. We aren't mandating they work remote. We aren't mandating they use their personal cell phones to meet results. We aren't mandating they use their home computers to meet results. We are simply mandating they MEET RESULTS.
Then there was the bitching about the phones - yes - again. Always about the phones. When should they remove themselves from the queue? They wanted me to write an SOP around that - I refused to do so and instead suggested they use good, adult, professional judgment to determine when they should remove themselves from the phone queue. I provided a nice personal example: I'm RIDING in the car for 7 hours - with just my husband - I can likely stay in the queue. I'm attending a music program for my 8 year old - I likely cannot be in the queue. Use your best judgment and ask yourself, "Will I be able to FOCUS on the customer without distractions and provide excellent customer service?" If the answer is uncertain or no - then take yourself out of the queue.
I finally got so tired of the conversation that I told them that this would need to be something we all hash out during the ROWE Implementation Workshop - that I was done discussing it - they need to READ the book - and then we can hash it out with the experts on site.
I'm frustrated that they cannot see that what they sacrifice is so miniscule in relation to what they gain. "How can I ever do what I want when I want if I'm always tethered to the phone and our customers work standard hours?" I guess they're all forgetting the number of hours they spend socializing and facebooking throughout a normal business day and aren't realizing that they could run an errand during that time - without sludge. Or actually collaborate with one another on phone coverage and take days "off" and away from the phone. And it seems no matter how often or in what manner I explain it - they don't get it. Either I'm a horrible explainer - or they are just in a stage of not being willing to meet results and be accountable to those results. I think that's what it is more than anything, honestly.
And that's been a HUGE eye opener for ME as their boss. I've evidently let them get away with so much presenteeism that the thought of having to meet results scares them to death - they don't know how to do it. But they do. They just don't have faith in themselves yet.
I tested them on a project recently. They spent more than 2 weeks finding excuses to NOT meet the results. I held my ground. About week 3 they figured out their complaints and whining were not getting them anywhere and at my suggestion they started collaborating on the effort. They got it done - sort of. Not all of them did exactly what they were assigned to do or completed all the steps of the project - but for a trial run of "what happens when you force results" - I thought they did well. Although I know it was terribly painful for a few of them. Hopefully the next time it goes a little easier for them.
A few people are very distraught over "losing" their vacation time they have "earned" - as a matter of fact, one person is going ahead and taking some "deserved" vacation time next week so they don't "lose" it. That is frustrating to hear and watch. I hope in time they realize what a great gift they have been given - their time!
Now. There ARE some folks who have totally embraced this - and their enthusiasm is overwhelming! They are thinking outside of the box, preparing home offices, asking about goals, ready to ROWE. Some have already started the transition with our permission. I love it - they have personal commitments, and rather than asking for time off - they just ask if they can go ahead and ROWE now. YES!!! You can! We had one person apologize for ill behavior after he had read the book - said it was a total eye opener for him and how he had come to behave over the years. Said he felt like he needed a shower after finishing the book and pledged to commit 100% to this new culture. THOSE are the cases that warm my heart and excite me - the ones I KNOW will make this a success!
And we are throwing a ton of change at them at once - no doubt. Some are asking if we can slow down and do one thing at a time and then have a soak period, then move on to the next. No. We are going to do a total shift - all at once - so it's truely taxing on some. They'll live. I'm certain they've encountered more difficult things in their personal life and survived. In real life you don't get the chance, nor does it ever cross your mind, to request that things just "stop" so you can soak it all in. It's not how life works and it's not how work works - this isn't relaxation - it's WORK. And now that some have come to the realization that 8-5 is no longer a block of time you fill with shopping the internet or facebooking and that we have results to achieve and tons of new projects going on - it's just HARD on them.
But I can't help but think that at the end of the day they feel more successful. More productive. More engaged. And I can't help but think that makes them happier.
I know it has me!
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