Well nearly. Well, yes. It was a disaster. Last Thursday, I drove in to use the office as a tool that day - I had a sales demo to conduct and wanted to make certain I had good internet connectivity and a fast machine so I could impress the prospect. When I arrived at 7:50 I was rather shocked at the number of cars already there. And I was even more shocked when I walked in and they were all standing around - "Internet and network are down - we've just been standing here since we got here." Uhhhh - did anyone call the network admins? Nope. So I sent a hurried text off to one of the guys. He was there in a matter of minutes - assessing the situation.
Evidently there had been some type of power surge which resulted in blowing out all the ports or something or other and the ISP needed to come out and fix the internet. I raced home to conduct my demo. And somehow all those people pulled together - without management making decisions and just got the shit fixed! Amazing! See. They ARE smart and they DO know what to do. And I could sit at home and continue working toward results all day without having to listen to the headache or get involved in the fiasco. I'm no help when it comes to stuff like that. It's all magic to me.
It's been a little awkward so far - being in the ROWE. Part of me wants to ask who is at the office. How are the phones getting answered? Who is tending the sheep? But I don't dare. I have to sit back and just release all control of those types of things and not worry about them. I have to focus on results. Are they meeting their results? And in my universe - I can't really determine that only a week into it. I see activity and I see movement. So I know people are working to achieve results. And I've been trying to stay out of the office - to give people time and space to absorb and adapt and not feel awkward by my presence. But I do feel a little disconnected. Like I'm shirking my responsibilities - even though I know I am not. Curious if they're shirking theirs.
My boss continues to come into the office 3 days a week. So then that has me on edge - he can't "see" me - does he know I'm working? Is he okay with this? Does he think I'm being remiss by not being there? Here I go - getting myself wrapped up in anticpation sludge. But it's difficult. When it's been ingrained in your head for years that you must be present in order to prove your worth. Hopefully this part of it gets easier.
I did have a couple of staff members who were confused over how to meet results - but after some lengthy conversations, I think they better understand it. The consultants told me to slow down and give them time to catch up to me. So that's what I've been trying to do. Letting them figure things out without my involvement as much as possible. I'm married to the results - NOT to the processes or activities that meet those results. I hope they are doing alright and embracing this new freedom.
Tomorrow we have manager's lunch and that always eases my mind some- seeing and interacting with my boss and my colleague. We are going to be hashing through our current employee handbook (laden with verbiage about hours and time) and also our culture guide. It should be a good session and hopefully an energetic one!
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