Working in a ROWE is rather bizarre. I honestly have no clue what day it is. All of my adult life, I've awakened and KNOWN what day of the week it is - and either dreaded it (bleh - it's only Wednesday) or I've celebrated it (woo hoo! Friday). It occurred to me this morning when I woke up - I have no clue what day it is. None. And I don't really care either. That's the really bizarre part. It just doesn't matter. It's a day - and I am alive. And I will work on activities that drive me to meet results and I will play some and I will have no stress and I will be happy and content.
I'm doing something scary this week - NOT going into the office at all. And I'll admit that by Wednesday I was starting to have some angst over it. But I'm over it. I almost dropped by the office - but then decided there was actually no purpose for me to do so - so why waste the gas? All it would have done was eat up an hour of my life and it would not have been helping me to meet a single result. So I stayed put.
I'm starting to get the swing of having freedom - although I admit it does involve building structure into my day. I figured out quickly that I just don't function well without structure. Get up early, work a little. Focus on my family and getting the little one off to school. Work some more. Throw in some exercise for good measure. Work some more. Focusing on what NEEDS to be done.
A friend asked me yesterday how my "deal" is working out. I told him my "deal" works out in such a way that I'm getting my work done, meeting results, my boss is happy and yet - my house is clean. There is food in the pantry. Healthy snacks are provided for the girls when they get home from school. Their homework is done at a reasonable time. We eat dinner at a normal time. The laundry is all done. And I'm not stressed or pissed and I'm in bed every night by 10:00 like I prefer to be. THAT is how my "deal" is working out. I feel balanced. I feel content. I feel like this is where I should have been all of my life.
We've just about got the phone situation at the office figured out and soon - others in the company will be able to experience this feeling of balance and freedom - I'm excited for that day to arrive because a few are forced to be there on-site during "core hours" (and forced meaning they've chosen to handle the situation that way - I left it up to them to figure out how to accomodate incoming calls and this is their choice). I look forward to the day they can feel freedom like I can. And when they can experience that, I hope to see great results from them and really watch this new culture flourish.
The boss told me an awesome story yesterday. He said he was talking to friend of his over the weekend and explaining to his friend that we were working under ROWE. His friend said that she knew of a former company that worked under a similar arrangement. (At first when he said former company - I was nervous - certainly this story wasn't going to end well). He explained that the company was much like ours in terms of annual revenues and sales. Then they went into a similar culture as a ROWE and revenue quadrupled - they were striking on all cylinders - they were growing the way they wanted and they were successful.
But then, the owners decided they wanted to get more involved - wanted to really understand the day to day business and what was going on. So they came in and started getting involved and discovered what the CEO had done - this ROWE thing - people doing whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. And they quickly retracted this freedom - and replaced it with a traditional work culture - they needed to see the people to know they were working. They didn't care that results were being met previously - but likely assumed that if they could see the people - then the results could be even greater. Quickly they started losing all of their employees and eventually - the company tanked. True story y'all. He's supposed to be getting me the name of the company (because I'm curious and nosy). But I loved the testiment to ROWE.
Pipeline shows 8-12 new contracts will close this month. THIS MONTH. Did you know that in some YEARS we don't even close that many? I'm nervous. But at the same time - totally pumped. Those contracts come into my group for delivery and handling. And my staff will have total control of the delivery - can they delight the customer? Will they delight the customer? Oh - how I so badly want them to shine! I know they can - they do every day - can and will they do it under ROWE? The true test is just around the corner!!!
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