Friday, June 25, 2010

Week 1 - Part I

During the first week after my lucky trip across ROWE, I felt so passionately about their message and concept that I ordered their book - "Work Sucks and How to Fix It"  I mean, who wouldn't want to read a book with that title?  And the cover is genius - the WORK SUCKS part is in big red letters with an exclamation point - and when you read it you're immediately agreeing with it.  I had to order the book because it wasn't available at my local Barnes & Noble, but that's a different story reserved for my other blog which is full of indecipherable rants about kids, husbands, people, life or whatever else strikes my fancy.  Anyway - I didn't want to lose my passion for this concept while I waited for the book to arrive, so I emailed the ROWE folks with a passionate email about how much I was looking forward to learning more about their concept and that I had ordered the book.  I also blogged about it on the other blog. 

Much to my delight, they had Google Alerts set up and were alerted that I blogged about them, and one of their team-members commented on my piddly blog-about-nothing! I was delighted!  Thrilled actually!  WOW!  Cool!  Then on Tuesday the 21st (I think it was the 21st) - the book arrived.  I could not wait to read it.  But I got busy with other things and didn't get to the book until Thursday.  And as I sat at my desk - yes, at work - reading my book about how work sucks - I noticed I had an email.  It was from one of the co-authors herself!  She'd received my email and wanted to know if I would like to have a conference call with her next week to discuss ROWE and how it might help my place of employment.  Uh, YEH!  I want to have a conference call with you!  And I immediately felt..... special.  Could I remember how to have an intelligent, professional conversation?  Yes.  I think I can pull that out of the bowels of my lost soul somehow.  Would I remember not to cuss?  Yes.  I think I remember how to say a complete sentence without saying the "f" word.  But when I replied to her email - I immediately rambled on and on about how I was currently reading the book and told her what page I was even on.  I mean really, does she really have time to hear that kind of detail?  Does she really care that I'm on page 47?  I hastily sent the email anyway.  Making a note to stop acting like a dolt and get it together. 

I have not yet gotten confirmation on our conference call - but since she invited me to the call - why would she not confirm?  She'll confirm.  Evidently I'm not the only fan she has!  Which is great - because the more fans she has, the more employers will adopt this concept and the better shot I have at making it happen for me!

And so I kept reading at my desk.  Littering my new book with yellow high-lighter and jotting down notes and questions.  I even read through lunch.  And then at about 2:00 that afternoon, it hit me.  Why in the world am I sitting HERE, reading when this book?  It's a beautiful summer day and I can just as easily read this book at home while floating in my pool.  So I shut down my computer, cleaned off my desk and hollered, "good bye!" and walked out.  I didn't feel a single ounce of guilt.  I didn't feel a single ounce of angst.  And I did float in the pool and I did finish that book - the ENTIRE thing - including taking all my notes and jotting down questions.  And I felt GREAT!!!  I had shared the book's title with my colleague and while I was floating in the pool, he emailed me and said he could get behind this 100%.  I emailed him back and replied, "I already have.  I'm at home floating in my pool and reading the book!"  And then I laughed, rolled off my air mattress and swam around the pool, happy as a lark.  Rejuvinated for life! 

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